Emmy priceless is a Top Notch Kaduna state artist and music producer A.k.a (The best Rapper Alive)
Emmy Priceless has update your playlist with 8 more tracks in the Album Tales By Sunset
Tales By Sunset ALBUM contain few tracks which are sound magic vocal product
The best Rapper Alive king who just released his studio work said while been interview by Salam FM said, I have up to 200 songs unreleased and if droping hit back to back to my Fans out there will make them happy everyday I don't mind dropping 20 each month
Download and listen below
Emmy Priceless - Antidote....
Emmy Priceless - My Spec...
Emmy Priceless - Best Rapper Alive (pt4)
Emmy Priceless - Drop it Down
Emmy Priceless - Kill or be Killed
Emmy Priceless - Unleashed